Sunday, October 5, 2008

Goal Report and Rewrite

I did really well this week. I counted my calories, didn't eat sweets, and though I only worked out 3 times, they were intense workouts and I feel good! And when I say I didn't eat sweets, that means I didn't eat sweets...until today...I ate half of a brownie. Which is why I have decided to revise my goals and say that I am only going to eat sweets one day out of the week and I can't go overboard. I even felt gross after I ate the half brownie, so that's a good sign. I think I'll do better knowing that I CAN have them if I want them at some point during the week. Then I won't splurge. So, let's hope this week is better...

1 comment:

Laci said...

Go claire! And b the way, thats AWESOME about China!! Keep us posted....Good luck!