Thursday, November 6, 2008

Where's Ruby?

I always check on Ruby before I call it a night, and this is how I found her. Hilarious!


Laci said...

what a little sweetie :o)

Anonymous said...

Claire, this is so hilarious!!! Adorable!

Emily Hartvigsen said...

Oh, that is too cute!

Johnsens said...

She looks so peaceful and seems to fit right in.

Unknown said...

I have to say that is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. She is going to be quite the little mommy!

Breanne said...

That is really funny.
I'm loving your blog & I was so excited to see your music b/c I knew I would like your choice of tunes!

Will & Amy said...

That is so cute! How the heck are you guys?

R said...

That is so cute! Bella has started sleeping with one stuffed animal--one day it may grow to this . . . :)

Shannon said...

That is too cute!